Prepare and Understand... or You May Be Deceived
Economic, political, military and spiritual forces are rapidly converging to create the most challenging period in human history. As a result, a majority will be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications. The coming deception will usher in a world that most of us could never imagine. It is possible to not only survive, but to triumph in the coming days... but you must not be deceived.
Every culture sees the same phenomenon through the filter of its own paradigm. However, the Bible presents us with a reality that spans all civilizations. The angels of God are here on earth, and their influence is unmistakable. But there is a war going on.
We have seen the evidence of their presence. But, we have also been taught a lie. Throughout the ages, Satan has worn the cloak of many disguises, and has brought entire civilizations under his world view. Today he has turned himself into a myth. He has fictionalized true history, and has been re-writing it for us.
Evidence has been available for thousands of years. But there has been an effort to deceive the majority while allowing only the "elite" and "illuminated" to know the "truth". But even they are deceived by the very entities they worship.
What actually happened in the ancient past? What was the enemy's plan? How will the Nephilim present in the next few years? What is the "strong delusion" the Bible warns is coming?
"There were Nephilim in the land in those days, and also afterwards"Genesis 6:4
"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be again at the coming of the son of man"Matthew 24:37
"Men's hearts failing from fear... looking after those things which are coming on the earth"Luke 21:26
What does the Bible say is coming? Scripture cuts through the disguises and exposes an evil strategy. Will you recognize the truth? Why would the world, at Satan's command, take up arms against God as prophesized? At this turning point in our history, as the fallen angels present themselves once again, will you be seduced?
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We don't sell anything at T2B. This site's only cost is one of time, expense, and our reputation if we present something not of the Lord. We take this very seriously. The only goal is to help you with your own study.
Whether you want to believe it or not, we are in the end days. God has plans to re-establish His kingdom on earth. But, if you're not aligned with Him and trusting in Him, you're in for a world of chaos and fear you cannot even imagine. The Bible says "men's hearts will fail them just looking at the things coming to pass". There is light at the end of the tunnel... but you have to know the path to take. You have to align yourself with the Lord and those that can see what is going on.
Don't worry if you don't understand everything you're listening to or reading. Take it in, think and pray about what you're learning. Keep pressing forward because time is short.
Jan 04, 2013

What do you really know about the founding fathers and plans for America? Learn the secrets of the true Lost Symbol… the forbidden knowledge of the Vatican and Washington DC, and the 200 year old cipher hidden in plain site at the Capital Dome and on the Great Seal of teh United States. The discovery […]
Jan 04, 2013

A minister who promotes the Old Testament roots of Christianity suggests a rare string of lunar and solar eclipses said to fall on God’s annual holy days seven years from now could herald what’s come to be known as the “Second Coming” of Jesus. “God wants us to look at the biblical calendar,” says […]
Jan 06, 2012

Who exactly built the pyramids? How did ancient civilizations obtain the knowledge to cut and move 3000 ton rocks many miles? How did the Mayan’s know about advanced astronomy? Follow our “Corruption” study and find out some astonishing things about our ancient past. You’ll be amazed… and maybe a little bit freaked out as well:) There […]
Jan 05, 2012

[Be Sure to Study the “Catastrophy” Series Links for more info] NASA has confirmed what ancient civilizations warned about thousands of years ago. It was reported in major news outlets around the world for several years. Nibiru, or as it is translated “planet of the crossing” may be a heavy mass object (HMO) in addition […]
Jan 03, 2012

The main focus around the TTB web site is to prepare people for a deception the Bible speaks of that will happen in this generation. The Word says that, when you see the Jewish people back in their homeland (after being removed from it for nearly 2000 years), that generation would see the fulfillment of […]
Oct 23, 2019
From: Prophecy Watchers By: Tom Horn & Gary Stearman It’s the most hotly contested place in the world—Mt Zion in Jerusalem. We trace it’s roots all the way back to the days of Abraham and Isaac, when God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, a foreshadowing of the life of Christ. Scripture tells us […]
Oct 23, 2019
“The Gospel of ET” By: Justin Faul, SkyWatchTV You’ve heard a lot lately and watched extraordinary videos of ALIEN CRAFT chased by perplexed US Military jet fighters. FOIA documents unveil the phenomenon is something real but as yet unexplained. But when did the government alien programs originate and why? Who were the Collin’s Elite, and […]
Oct 23, 2019
From: SkyWatchTV By: Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis (US Army-Ret) & Carl Gallups Islam will play a key role as humanity lurches toward Armageddon–but probably not in the way you think. SkyWatchTV host Derek Gilbert is joined by Tom Horn, Pastor Carl Gallups, and Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis (US Army-Ret.) to discuss Gilbert’s new book ‘Bad […]
Oct 23, 2019
From: SkyWatchTV By: Tom Horn You’ve heard a lot lately and watched extraordinary videos of ALIEN CRAFT chased by perplexed US Military jet fighters. FOIA documents unveil the phenomenon is something real but as yet unexplained. But when did the government alien programs originate and why? Who were the Collin’s Elite, and were they exposing […]
Oct 23, 2019
From: SkyWatchTV By: Jonathan Cahn New York Times’ bestselling author Jonathan Cahn appeared on SkyWatch TV Sunday to discuss his much-anticipated book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled. “The Oracle is the biggest, most all-encompassing mystery I’ve ever committed to writing—in many ways it is the mystery of the ages. It contains everything and everyone, […]
Oct 23, 2019
From: Gilbert & Horn, SkywatchTV THERE WERE GIANTS in the earth in ancient days. The same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. These were THE HEROES OF LEGEND; kings and warriors called Rephaim, whose deeds inspired worship long after they passed from the earth, a false, demonic religion that corrupted God’s […]
Aug 09, 2019
From: Hagmann Report Guests: Gary Stearman & Steve Quayle Perhaps one of the most exciting interviews of the decade. Doug Hagmann guests Steve Quayle and Pastor Gary Stearman. In this interview, Gary talks for the first time in public about his family’s company (Stearman Aircraft) and their role in reverse engineering downed UFO craft going […]
May 05, 2019
In the continuing discussion, Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat and Pastor Carl Gallups delve deeper into the mystery that unfolded starting in 2005 when Israel’s most venerated Orthodox Rabbi, Yitzhak Kaduri (The “Billy Graham” of Israel), claimed he had met the true, soon-coming Messiah. He also made a public announcement that he had written Messiah’s name […]
May 05, 2019
Are you aware of the talks to rebuild the 3rd temple in Jerusalem? Check out this new series over at Prophecy Watchers where Gary Stearman interviews Tom Horn.
Feb 06, 2019
Another fantastic study by Timothy Alberino. Tim discusses the topic of dinosaurs. Did they exist “out of the garden” and were they a creation of the enemy? [Video at T2B]
Feb 06, 2019
A few Outstanding video teachings from one of my favorite Speakers… Timothy Alberino. In this series, Timothy connects the Mark of Cain, if Esau was Nephilim, and the Serpent’s sin in the garden. What may have caused the Nephilim return after the flood. And finally, he discusses the 10 Kings of Atlantis and how this […]
Sep 15, 2018
By: Sherry Shriner The biggest secret of all is that Satan’s seed is alive and well on planet earth. They’ve kept this from the seminaries and churches so they could infiltrate and rule them without conspiracy or hindrance, or real Biblical true doctrines to contend with. Most aren’t aware that the higher ranking members of […]
Aug 15, 2018
From: 4th Watch By: Justen Faull & Derek Gilbert In this episode Justen and Derek discuss some key components of “The Great Inception” from Derek’s book. The discussion includes The Supernatural Red Sea Standoff between God and Baal, Satan’s Mount of Assembly and Occult Mountaintop Connections, The Dwelling Place of the Anunnaki and the Death […]
Aug 15, 2018
By: Finis Jennings Dake From: Genesis 6 Giants It was the purpose of Satan and his fallen angels to corrupt the human race and thereby do away with pure Adamite stock through whom the seed of the woman should come. This would avert their own doom and make it possible for Satan and his kingdom […]
Aug 15, 2018
From: Denoon Institute Does the enemy have plans to take control of the Temple of God? And… isn’t the Lord’s temple His people?
Aug 15, 2018
From: 4th Watch Radio In this interview with Darrin Geisinger (author of Zero-Gs) they discuss aliens, transhumanism, and Bible prophecy. This is a Biblical examination of some of the stranger subjects you never learned in Sunday school, but trust me, the truth is stranger than fiction.
Jan 02, 2018
One Night Engagement 1-11-18 The New York Times stirred up the UFO community by running a story a couple weeks ago about a secret Pentagon program to investigate UFO sightings. The story was accompanied by a video of an encounter between US Navy pilots and a UFO over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. What was […]
Jan 02, 2018
By Rob Skiba: Is Cain really a son of Adam or was he the son of the Serpent in the Garden? My guest for this broadcast was Zen Garcia. He’s promoting his latest book, The Great Contest II: Enmity Between the Seed-lines and I have to say, he has given me pause to reconsider some […]
Jan 02, 2018
Dante Fortson and Zen Garcia engage in a series of rebuttals on what we believe occurred with the serpent’s beguilement of Eve in the garden and how eating fruit if it’s an apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil could in anyway lead to the conception of children if it had […]
Oct 24, 2017
Most of us are familiar with the biblical account of the fallen angels found in Genesis 6. These angels who “left their first estate” produced gigantic, hybrid offspring with human women, men of renown as Scripture calls them. But where are their bones today? Where is the evidence of these giants who made the Israelites […]