Yeshua Sacrifice- 7X Crossing?

May 20, 2014 Comments Off on Yeshua Sacrifice- 7X Crossing? by

NOTE: We’re trying to cover all the basis of biblical events. This guy has some outstanding research. You can do a searh on T2B for more information.

From Gill Broussard: Planet 7X

This illustration shows a logical explanation on how the three hour of darkness during Y’shua sacrifice was possible.
When Planet-7X (7 x Earth Diameter) passed between the Earth and Sun.

Using astronomical software I have reconstructed a model of this event using a mid-August to mid-September entry point along with a exit point of mid-March to mid-April holding a 150 day separation and with a distance from Earth of 823,146 miles. The model proves out the exact three hours of darkness as the Biblical eyewitness account documented.

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Astronomy, Earth Changes, End of Days, GeoPolitical, Planet X / Nibiru, Prophecy, Religion, Supernatural

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