2015 Crash?
We don’t often post on financial and market issues at T2B except where it may play a part in Biblical prophecy and end-times events. The following reports are representative of a trend in the news stories for 2015 and worth reviewing.
From: Guerrilla Media
By: Ashley Jones
“I expect the first phase will appear as a nearly instantaneous 70% stock market crash. From the outside, nobody will see it coming.” Rickards explained.
According to the CIA’S Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor Jim Rickards, The United Stats is about to collapse just like the former Roman empire did while everyone was being entertained by the government’s bread and circus programs. Today is no different than it was just before the collapse of the Roman empire, instead of the people being distracted by watching the Gladiators beat the hell out of each other, Americans today are now watching any number of sports, or reality TV as the economic Tsunami approaches just like the people of the Roman Empire did. However,there are some people that have been paying attention, and trying to warn everyone else to get off the freaking beach and head to higher ground before they are crushed by this soon coming economic wave, and one of them is CIA insider Jim Rickards:
“Everybody knows we have a dangerous level of debt. Everybody knows the Fed has recklessly printed trillions of dollars. These are secrets to no one,” he said. “But all signs are now flashing bright red that our chickens are about to come home to roost.”
During the discussion, Rickards shared a series of dangerous signals he fears reveals an economy that has reached a super critical state.
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From: UNAwatchdog.com
By: Greg Hunter
The United States have exported our inflation to every other country. So, for them to stay competitive, they are required to weaken their own currencies for what is called competitive advantage. It simply means if they don’t print, their currencies would become too strong, and they would not be able to export. In order to keep trade flowing, these other countries are basically required to do what the U.S. government does, and that is export a great quantity of un-backed paper promises that are impossible to pay back.
That’s the crux of David Morgan’s book “The Debt Bomb.” It’s going to explode.
The basic premises are: You default on the debt . . . or you keep kicking the can down the road, and you continue to debase the currency, which is what governments have always done when it’s a non-backed currency. If you look at the value of the Federal Reserve from 1913 to now, in a little over a hundred years, the Federal Reserve itself will admit that 100 cents is now worth about 4 cents. So, you have lost 96% of the value of the U.S. dollar. . . . That has been a failure, a tremendous failure. That is a collapse in slow motion. Now, what we are really arguing about is what’s going to happen to the last 4 cents of the U.S. dollar. . . . It looks to me that at some point, a tipping point, that you will get an acceleration . . . and things will change dramatically.”
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