Prepare and Understand... or You May Be Deceived
Economic, political, military and spiritual forces are rapidly converging to create the most challenging period in human history. As a result, a majority will be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications. The coming deception will usher in a world that most of us could never imagine. It is possible to not only survive, but to triumph in the coming days... but you must not be deceived.
Every culture sees the same phenomenon through the filter of its own paradigm. However, the Bible presents us with a reality that spans all civilizations. The angels of God are here on earth, and their influence is unmistakable. But there is a war going on.
We have seen the evidence of their presence. But, we have also been taught a lie. Throughout the ages, Satan has worn the cloak of many disguises, and has brought entire civilizations under his world view. Today he has turned himself into a myth. He has fictionalized true history, and has been re-writing it for us.
Evidence has been available for thousands of years. But there has been an effort to deceive the majority while allowing only the "elite" and "illuminated" to know the "truth". But even they are deceived by the very entities they worship.
What actually happened in the ancient past? What was the enemy's plan? How will the Nephilim present in the next few years? What is the "strong delusion" the Bible warns is coming?
"There were Nephilim in the land in those days, and also afterwards"Genesis 6:4
"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be again at the coming of the son of man"Matthew 24:37
"Men's hearts failing from fear... looking after those things which are coming on the earth"Luke 21:26
What does the Bible say is coming? Scripture cuts through the disguises and exposes an evil strategy. Will you recognize the truth? Why would the world, at Satan's command, take up arms against God as prophesized? At this turning point in our history, as the fallen angels present themselves once again, will you be seduced?
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We don't sell anything at T2B. This site's only cost is one of time, expense, and our reputation if we present something not of the Lord. We take this very seriously. The only goal is to help you with your own study.
Whether you want to believe it or not, we are in the end days. God has plans to re-establish His kingdom on earth. But, if you're not aligned with Him and trusting in Him, you're in for a world of chaos and fear you cannot even imagine. The Bible says "men's hearts will fail them just looking at the things coming to pass". There is light at the end of the tunnel... but you have to know the path to take. You have to align yourself with the Lord and those that can see what is going on.
Don't worry if you don't understand everything you're listening to or reading. Take it in, think and pray about what you're learning. Keep pressing forward because time is short.
Sep 05, 2012
Over the last 70 years there have been warnings given to America. From JFK, Eisenhower, Robert Welsh to the more modern prophets of Dumitru Duduman, Michael Boldea, Henry Gruver and Rick Wiles the warnings are stark. There have always been false prophets and those that profit from fear. I would urge you to see what […]
Aug 26, 2012
David Flynn’s latest and final lecture on 2012 and its meaning from his prospective. Some interesting historical info and a look at what might be significant with the Mayan calendar date for 2012.
Aug 23, 2012
Are we in the last days? How long is a biblical generation, since scripture tells us the season when the end times will begin. This video is from Prophecy in the News. Gary and Doug Hamp discuss how long is a generation? They also touch on the solar flares, lunar eclipses and the timeline of […]
Aug 23, 2012
Group of Astonomers tracking and collaberating their findings on their YouTube channel. Link below will connect to youtube.
Aug 21, 2012
All civilizations attribute their genesis to the gods. All of the great religions speak of contact with beings who come from elsewhere. – Is there a connection between these accounts and the modern day UFO phenomenon? – Can accounts of flying beings from the Bible shed light on the identity of UFOs? – Are they […]
Aug 21, 2012
Three DVD Series from Lindsey Williams titled, The Secrets of The Elite. They contain the following: Secrets never told before. How the Elite make and preserve wealth. Derivatives – Prelude to disaster. Insider trading that creates Super-Wealth. Americans Financially Betrayed by Congress. Gold and Silver wealth preservation. The Paper currency deception. You can survive the […]
Aug 20, 2012
From Anna: YouTube User 777aej I think this believer has some great insight into end times prophecy. You may want to review some of her work. NOTE: Do not be concerned if you are new to prophecy and some of it is confusing to you. Take it what you can and continue to dig in. […]
Aug 20, 2012
TTB will post prophetic words from around the globe in this section. NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Aug 20, 2012
Good study from Chuck Missler NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Aug 19, 2012
Repost By: Michael from TEEB Something really strange appears to be happening. All over the globe, governments and big banks are acting as if they are anticipating an imminent financial collapse. Unfortunately, we are not privy to the quiet conversations that are taking place in corporate boardrooms and in the halls of power in places […]
Aug 15, 2012
Evidence and study of the Nephilim and Giants by SW Radio & PITN 21st Century Cover Up NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Aug 11, 2012
This is a video from YouTube user: dutchsinse He has an impressive amount of research on weather changes and geo changes around the globe. Since most of this stuff is not in the national news, it is good to keep up on what is going on from the local news outlets.
Aug 10, 2012
Intersting study by Chuck Missler: NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Aug 10, 2012
Constantine began what was to become a centuries long effort to eliminate any book in the original Bible that was considered unacceptable to the new doctrine of the church. At that time, it is believed there were up to 600 books, which comprised the work we now know as the Bible. Through a series of […]
Aug 09, 2012
Biblical View of UFO’s God has plans to re-establish His kingdom on earth. But, if you’re not aligned with Him and trusting in Him as your Savior, you’re in for a world of chaos and fear you cannot even imagine. The Bible says “men’s hearts will fail them just looking at the things coming to […]
Aug 09, 2012
An interesting study about how deception has crept into the church and society, taking us far away from what the Lord intended for us. NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Aug 02, 2012
I think there is something to the bible code research… I’m just not sure they have it figured out completely yet. Howver, that being said, there are some spectacular things being revealed that are interesting! This is work from the Torah by Glazerson:
Aug 01, 2012
A good study of Genesis 6: Sons of God, Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakim, etc. NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Jul 27, 2012
Mark Hitchcock discuss the antichrist. Who is he? What will he do? Is he alive today? NOTE: TTB does not endorce any particular video content
Jul 20, 2012
Why would the world’s elite meet and take part in ritualistic acts that are forbidden in the Bible? What do you know about this? From: The Somma County Free Press The grove is the site of a two week retreat every July (as well as other smaller get-togethers throughout the year). At these retreats, the […]