Prepare and Understand... or You May Be Deceived
Economic, political, military and spiritual forces are rapidly converging to create the most challenging period in human history. As a result, a majority will be paralyzed by the staggering supernatural implications. The coming deception will usher in a world that most of us could never imagine. It is possible to not only survive, but to triumph in the coming days... but you must not be deceived.
Every culture sees the same phenomenon through the filter of its own paradigm. However, the Bible presents us with a reality that spans all civilizations. The angels of God are here on earth, and their influence is unmistakable. But there is a war going on.
We have seen the evidence of their presence. But, we have also been taught a lie. Throughout the ages, Satan has worn the cloak of many disguises, and has brought entire civilizations under his world view. Today he has turned himself into a myth. He has fictionalized true history, and has been re-writing it for us.
Evidence has been available for thousands of years. But there has been an effort to deceive the majority while allowing only the "elite" and "illuminated" to know the "truth". But even they are deceived by the very entities they worship.
What actually happened in the ancient past? What was the enemy's plan? How will the Nephilim present in the next few years? What is the "strong delusion" the Bible warns is coming?
"There were Nephilim in the land in those days, and also afterwards"Genesis 6:4
"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be again at the coming of the son of man"Matthew 24:37
"Men's hearts failing from fear... looking after those things which are coming on the earth"Luke 21:26
What does the Bible say is coming? Scripture cuts through the disguises and exposes an evil strategy. Will you recognize the truth? Why would the world, at Satan's command, take up arms against God as prophesized? At this turning point in our history, as the fallen angels present themselves once again, will you be seduced?
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Once you get through the Biblical Basics and Studies, you will find most of the new information primarily in the Blog posts under the "Categories" section.
We don't sell anything at T2B. This site's only cost is one of time, expense, and our reputation if we present something not of the Lord. We take this very seriously. The only goal is to help you with your own study.
Whether you want to believe it or not, we are in the end days. God has plans to re-establish His kingdom on earth. But, if you're not aligned with Him and trusting in Him, you're in for a world of chaos and fear you cannot even imagine. The Bible says "men's hearts will fail them just looking at the things coming to pass". There is light at the end of the tunnel... but you have to know the path to take. You have to align yourself with the Lord and those that can see what is going on.
Don't worry if you don't understand everything you're listening to or reading. Take it in, think and pray about what you're learning. Keep pressing forward because time is short.
Apr 13, 2012
Since nearly all of prophecy revolves around the state of Israel and the city of Jerusalem… you might as well get to know this beautiful city. This is a short clip from a movie coming out in 2013 with some great scenes.
Mar 17, 2012
This segment takes a look at the beginning of the post-Flood Nephilim. It also explores a man the Bible names as Nimrod (the rebellious one) who, as a giant himself, may have become a mighty hunter of giants. How were the massive megalithic structures such as Baalbek in Lebanon built? Find out in this video […]
Mar 10, 2012
The following two hour and twenty-six minute documentary video by Leonard Ulrich covers the topic of secret societies and the new world order in terms of biblical prophecy.
Jan 06, 2012

Who exactly built the pyramids? How did ancient civilizations obtain the knowledge to cut and move 3000 ton rocks many miles? How did the Mayan’s know about advanced astronomy? Follow our “Corruption” study and find out some astonishing things about our ancient past. You’ll be amazed… and maybe a little bit freaked out as well:) There […]
Jan 05, 2012

[Be Sure to Study the “Catastrophy” Series Links for more info] NASA has confirmed what ancient civilizations warned about thousands of years ago. It was reported in major news outlets around the world for several years. Nibiru, or as it is translated “planet of the crossing” may be a heavy mass object (HMO) in addition […]
Jan 03, 2012

The main focus around the TTB web site is to prepare people for a deception the Bible speaks of that will happen in this generation. The Word says that, when you see the Jewish people back in their homeland (after being removed from it for nearly 2000 years), that generation would see the fulfillment of […]